Our approach to Social Media is uniquely built around what we know works…and what we know doesn’t work. With over 1000 services done so far.


Build Your Online Presence

PR Publications

In an increasingly digital world, numerous enterprises and professionals acknowledge the significance of PR articles and cultivating a robust online presence. We specialize in providing
high-quality PR articles on reputable and prestigious websites (such as Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Cosmopolitan, Coindesk, Hypebeast, Vogue, Billboard, US Weekly, among many others). Our articles are organic and non-sponsored, ensuring credibility and authenticity. Our team of experienced writers is proficient in crafting articles for any niche, ranging from business and finance to fashion and cannabis. Whether you prefer writing as part of the service or publishing pre-written articles, we offer customized solutions to meet your unique needs. We understand the significance of a robust online presence in today’s digital age, which is why we are committed to helping businesses and professionals elevate their brand’s digital influence through engaging PR content.

How we can help you?

Let Us Make Your Famous Today!

We help influencers, brands, companies and public figures to be in the online spotlight, building astrong social presence through PR publications.

Elevate your brand’s online presence and credibility in the public eye by securing placements in multiple, high-ranking media outlets. Our experienced team specializes in creating tailored media placement plans designed to captivate your target audience and propel your brand to new heights. 

As a testament to our capabilities, we have access to some of the world’s largest and most sought-after platforms, such as Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Cosmopolitan, Coindesk, Hypebeast, Vogue, Billboard, US Weekly, among many others. This extensive network enables us to place your content where it matters most, ensuring maximum visibility and impact

Why its worth?

Invest In Your Recognition!

By choosing our services, you can unlock the full potential of your brand and make a lasting impression on your target audience. Our dedicated professionals are committed to your success, working tirelessly to help you achieve a powerful and influential online presence. 

From promoting product launches and expansion announcements to sharing compelling brand stories and thought leadership, our expertise spans a diverse range of PR campaigns. What sets us apart is our unparalleled access to a vast network of prestigious publications, surpassing the
reach of other agencies. By partnering with us, you can expect:

Bespoke Media Placement Strategies

Our team diligently crafts media placement plans tailored to your unique goals, ensuring maximum exposure and impact for your brand.

Premium Publications

We leverage our strong relationships with renowned media outlets to secure valuable placements, solidifying your brand's credibility and authority in the eyes of your target audience.

Engaging Content

Our expert content creators develop captivating, high-quality materials that resonate with readers and showcase your brand's expertise and unique selling points.

Measurable Results

Our data-driven approach allows us to monitor the success of your media placements, providing insights and adjustments as needed to ensure continuous improvement and long-lasting results.

How does it work?

Few Simple Steps
for Successful PR Publication



Prior to publishing articles, it is essential to understand your specific expectations and objectives. We will meticulously identify and select the most appropriate platforms for publishing PR articles that seamlessly align with your brand's values and image.



Our team of experienced writers will create top-notch, compelling content that showcases you or your brand as an authority within your industry. These carefully crafted articles will not only establish a strong, positive image but also effectively position you or your brand within the competitive landscape.



Upon finalizing the selection of appropriate platforms and crafting meticulously tailored content, we proceed with the publication of articles that demonstrate your professionalism and expertise. Rest assured, all published articles will be presented organically, without any indication of paid sponsorship or promotion.


Why Should You Invest In Strong Online Presence?

Having a strong online presence has many advantages. Here are some of the important

Brand Awareness

Investing in PR articles helps increase brand awareness among potential customers and target audience. High-quality articles on reputable websites showcase your brand's expertise, values, and unique selling points, making it more recognizable and memorable.


By having PR articles published on well-established platforms, your brand gains credibility in the eyes of consumers and other businesses. This fosters trust, which is vital for attracting new customers and building long-term relationships with existing ones.

Thought Leadership

PR articles allow you to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in your industry, positioning your brand as a thought leader. This can lead to more opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and media exposure, ultimately enhancing your brand's reputation.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional advertising, public relations is often a more cost-effective way of promoting your brand. PR articles can have a longer-lasting impact and reach a wider audience, delivering a higher return on investment.

contact details

Our Contacts

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Our Address:

St. Świętego Filipa 23/16, 31-150 Cracow

Our phones:

+48 786-665-409


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